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Getting Rid of the Cigarette Smoke Smell

Recently, a box containing two notebooks arrived at my front door. I had bought two Sony VAIO PCG-505 SuperSlim notebook off eBay. As soon as I opened the box, a pungent smell emerged out of the box. Apparently, the notebooks themselves, reeked of that smell. For a while, I scratched my head on what caused the smell. But after getting a headache from using those notebooks, I realized that it's cigarette smell. The previous owner of the two notebooks was probably a heavy smoker.

Haven't been a smoker myself, I had a hard time dealing with it. And I wondered how I could ever get rid of this smell that has been throughly embedded into the notebooks. But I've know that mother-nature had been a powerful being in the past. So, I left one of the notebook outside in my patio one night. The next morning, the cigarette smell was completely gone. I was so surprised I had to whiff it several times with my nose just to make sure the smell was really gone.

At this point, I wasn't quite sure if it was the cool night breeze that carried the smell away. Or was it the strong morning smell that did the trick. So I tried it again with the second notebook on the next night. Most of the smell had gone by the morning after, but I smelled it when I put the notebook up to my nose. It was quite cloudy that morning, so I suspect the powerful sun was the smell killer.

Anyone had experience getting cigarette smoke smell out of stuff?

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 22 May 2008 21:45:09 +0000

After using the two notebooks for the past six months, they no longer smelled like smoke. Leaving them under the sun killed most of the smell. And using them constantly in smokeless environment killed the rest of the smoke smell.

Chieh Cheng
Sat, 28 Mar 2009 20:22:16 +0000

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