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Cooling the Living Space

Now that I have started cooling the attic, it's time for the second phase to convert my house into a more energy efficient home. In this phase, I want to circulate the cool air outside (after dusk) into the house, while forcing hot air inside the house out. Even though I did not implement the whole house fan, I decided to use the same concept. I want to use some fans to push hot air out of window slits, so that I can suck some cold air in. Maybe I could direct fans outward on one side of the house, while direct fans inward on the other side. This cooperation of fans would provide air flow through the house.

During summer nights, without air circulation, the house becomes an oven. I've found that the house is unbearable without opening all of the windows. Yet, I don't want to keep windows open all the way, because many summer crimes happen do to open windows. The compromise is poor man's window and patio door lock. Using this technique, I open all windows and patio doors to a slit, not big enough for anyone to climb through.

Now, I just need to place a fan between the slit so that I can force air in and out of my home. At first, I had thought about putting together 3 to 5 computer case fans in a row, so that I can fit them in the slit. But after looking around at prices, the cheapest I can get them at is $5 a piece. So each window fan would cost $15 to $25 to build. And I haven't figured my labor into the cost yet.

While wondering around stores, I noticed that tower fans are coming into fashion. Some are fairly inexpensive. And they seem to be pretty quiet compared to previous generation of consumer fans. What a wonderful idea? And they would be perfect for my slit opening. I bought a Holmes HT17M Desktop Tower Fan from Wal-mart for only $17. It fits wonderfully in my window slit (see photo below).

Attached Image:

Desktop Tower Fan is Perfect for Window Slits.jpg

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 11 May 2007 00:47:40 -0700

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Title: New Base for the Aloha Breeze 84001 Tower Fan with Remote Control
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: In the process of Cooling the Living Space, I've bought a larger tower fan for the opening slit in my patio door. This would help me cool the house at night without using the air conditioner. The problem with the Aloha Breeze 84001 Tower Fan that I bought is that it came with a huge stand (see photo . . .
Tracked: Fri, 11 May 2007 01:08:08 -0700

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