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How to Ensure microSD Card Is Not Fake!

SD cards are a popular storage medium for cameras, smartphones, and other devices. However, there are many fake SD cards on the market that can cause data loss and other issues.

When you purchase a SD card, it's best if you purchase from a retailer that has easy return process. Thus, if the microSD card turns out to be fake, you can easily return it for a refund. Amazon is a great place to buy microSD cards, if you have Amazon Prime due to its hassle-less returns.

Now, here are some tips on how to test whether an SD card is fake:

Test the read and write speeds: One way to test whether an SD card is fake is to check its read and write speeds. You can use a free tool like H2testw to test the SD card's read and write speeds. If the SD card's read and write speeds are significantly lower than advertised, it is likely to be a fake.

Check the capacity: Another way to test whether an SD card is fake is to check its capacity. You can use a free tool like H2testw to test the SD card's capacity. If the SD card's capacity is significantly lower than advertised, it is likely to be a fake.

Wed, 27 Dec 2023 22:00:25 -0800

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