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Documents To Go sync issue

There was an error translating this file.
A document on the desktop could not be created.

I have been getting the above message for past two weeks now when I sync between my Palm and my Windows 98 notebook. Basically, when the document is edited on the Palm, it would fail to synchronize on the desktop. Finally, I was fed up today when I tried to sync this morning and lost an entire night's worth of work.

After digging around on the Internet, I found others with the same frustration, but no solution. Here are a list of thread regarding this issue:

Problem sync with pc for document to go
synchonizing Palm M515
DocumentsToGo: A document on the desktop could not

So, I took it in my hands to fix it. First, I figured I'd remove the entire Microsoft Office suite and re-install it. I did that and I did a few simple tests. So far, they seem to be synchronizing fine. I will continue to use them for the next few days and report back my findings.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 20 Dec 2004 09:55:38 -0800

So far so good . . . all documents were transfer and synchronized correctly after the Office install.

However, winword crashed during the transfer of one document, the one I called "Eggs". Apparently, during the Documents To Go synchronization, Microsoft Word (winword.exe) is actually executed. After this crash, "Eggs" could no longer be sync'ed with the same error message. I thought that maybe winword had opened the file, therefore had a sharing problem. But after rebooting Windows 98, it didn't help.

By the way, I am using Microsoft Office 97.

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 00:31:21 -0800

After having experienced the previous clue, I started experimenting with "Eggs". I copied all of the extra material I added today into a separate document on Palm. It sync'ed ok. "Eggs" still did not sync. So I deleted the extra material on the hand-held and tried again. It worked! "Eggs" sync'ed just fine. This exercise tells me that WordToGo probably added some extra "illegal" characters on the handheld . . . so it probably had nothing to do with re-installing Office.

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 00:39:14 -0800

I copied the data from the second document back into "Eggs" (on the handheld). "Eggs" now sync'ed properly . . . I'm not sure exactly what caused it, but at least I have more confidence working with my documents on this thing.

By the way, I am using Documents To Go Standard Edition Version 4.006 (338).

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 00:45:41 -0800

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