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The Nine Races in the Dawn of War Game

If you get the complete collection of Dawn of War you can use the nine races from the warhammer Universe. These are the Eldar, Necron, Space Marines, Chaos, the Imperial guard, Orks, Tau, and the Sisters of Battle.

The Dark Eldar are an elf like race. They are usually speedy and have advanced technology. They are one of the oldest and most advanced races in the universe but not the oldest.

The Necrons are fairly new and fun to play. They are tough and skilled fighters. They are a mechanical race made from special metals. Since they are not flesh and blood units that seem dead may get back up again. They are possibly the most powerful of the races. You can use Necrons as you like because they are so tuff. Go wild with them. They have a great attack range. You will want to have a couple squads to defend your base and you can replace some of the units with Immortals. Immortals are even bigger and stronger with even better guns. Immortals do cost more and you get less of them. They also are best used on buildings and vehicles.

The Space Marines are the next race and the only infiltration units you can get. These super human genetically engineered race are the first units that become available to a player. They are armored and you can get them flame throwers and plasma riffles. You can also get sniper rifles for them. The Scouts are good for finding the enemy and keeping a watch on them. You will want a lot of Space Marines because they have such a variety of uses. They get really effective with a sergeant in command and some good weapons added.

The Chaos are space marines that have been twisted up and possessed by demons as well as some demonic Gods. The Chaos are enemies of the Space Marines. The Chaos use heavy weaponry but no real technology. They are good as an assault force. With a good infantry and a few vehicles they will be a force to be reckoned with. Their defenses tend to be weak as well as their health but they are great for attacks in general. They do not heal or regenerate quickly or repair their damaged structures or units. It does have some very powerful units like the crab monster, Defiler, complete with flame thrower and cannon. You can run down most infantry with the predator tank or destroy vehicles with the Horrors. One advantage is that they are quite mobile units. The jewels of the bunch are the Obliterator and the Possessed Chaos Marines. As it sounds the Obliterator can inflict a great deal of damage to your enemies. The Possessed Chaos Marines are very powerful and fast. They are easily upgradable and hard hitting units. There are really not big drawbacks to them.

The Imperial guard is a good race. Their good points being that they are many and easily expandable. They have a lot of big and powerful tanks to help back up their troops. You may even be able to get a Baneblade tank if you play your cards right. Otherwise their weaponry is not so great and sophisticated but the units are cheap. There is no better way to get a lot of units for so cheap. They are also easily reinforced.

The Orks are fierce nasty creature filled with blood lust. They are not the most organized and may even fight with one another but they are good fighter with good strong weapons that are very effective.

The Tau are a technologically superior race. They are the opposite of the Orks in that they could be considered do gooders. They promote enlightenment and harmony. The Stealth suits are the main scout unit for this race and are what you will start off with. They are very useful because of their starting off with infiltration units. These are invisible to the enemy so they can only be seen with a detector and only then can be fired at. These are great for scouting around and capturing points.

And finally the Sisters of Battle, this is a race of infantry. They do not have many vehicles available. They are almost a cross between the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard. They are weaker than the Space Marines but they have larger squads. There are no rocket launchers for this race but this is made up somewhat in their Faith Abilities. They have a curiously strong moral when others like the Space Marines can lose their moral fairly easily. The Sisters of battle can demolish structures of their enemies. The starter units are the Missionaries. Units can be attached to squads later in the game. Missionaries are fairly good in combat and are also good at capturing points. The best thing about them however is their Faith abilities. Faith abilities can boost the squad with fast health regeneration once attached. They also give damage reflection and armor ignoring damage. They do take up one whole population so you will be left with less squads if you use Sisters of the Battle. Their commander units come with a lot of Faith abilities. The Cannoness uses holy light to reduce the accuracy of your enemies. Essentially this ability blinds them with the light. Squads of angels can also be called down to battle for short bursts.

Fri, 20 Feb 2009 03:43:45 +0000

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Title: Dawn of War 2: Old and New Races Reimagined
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: Dawn of War 2 for the PC is the sequel to the original Dawn of War Real Time Strategy game, centered around the Warhammer 40,000 universe. As with the previous game, the player can choose from several different races, with further in-game tweaking (via commander types and usable powers) to best fit . . .
Tracked: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 05:05:31 +0000

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