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The Dawn of War 2 RTS is a whole new game

This game is much changed from Dawn of War one. There is no more base building instead you build your units at headquarters. This is a good change as the game flows more quickly and with more action. When you level up you get more powerful units as well as more of them in general.

Each player starts with a score that falls in relation to the amount of victory points when someone reaches zero they lose. There are three victory points on each map. Requisition points are still in the game as well. You still need requisition and energy to build your units.

You can no longer build your own power stations. You now have to capture them just as you do the requisition points. This means you need to get your forces moving from the very beginning. If you wait it out on the base then you will lose as the other player will get all of the points. You will be sending out troops regularly so many will die and you will have less to control. This is also a good thing as now you have better control of troops and are able to make them take cover when needed.

The commander unit plays a much great role in this game due to the need to be in battle right away. Commanders have the ability to level up and you have a chance to revive them when they die. You will really need your commanders to win in this game.

This game seems well balance and that is another good thing. Each side has its own special vibe going on but they still feel evenly matched at the start for a fair game. This is made to be a very competitive game and will play well online for battle against others.

The animations are great and the game looks good in general. It nearly lives up to the screen shots used in promotions but not quite. It is nothing to complain about however. The sounds are good and fitting for such a game. The fact that it can be played on PC or console is nice. It also plays very well as a single player online. It syncs up well. It is a very good and well thought out war game. It is very fast paced and action packed while also relying on good strategy and management of units to win.

Tue, 17 Feb 2009 00:43:23 +0000

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