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SGA Reader -> Mod Studio

This weekend, I download the SGA Reader 0.10 to made mods for Dawn of War - Platinum Edition. But after unpacking everything, running it, and trying to extract a file, I got the following error message:

Sorry - An error has just occured.
Source: DoRawExtract(
Please contact [email protected] for help.

I e-mailed the address provided and Peter Cawley was very nice to respond that SGA Reader is no longer supported. The new tool is his Mod Studio.

Corsix's Mod Studio is free and open source modding tool for Relic Entertainment's "Dawn of War", "Dawn of War: Winter Assault", "Dawn of War: Dark Crusade", "Company of Heroes" and "Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts".

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 19 May 2008 17:57:02 +0000

I just downloaded ModStudio 0.5.5. When I ran it, I got the following error message:

This application has failed to start because MSVCP71.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

In this case, reinstalling ModStudio will not help. MSVCP71.dll is not included in the package. The solution is to download it from - msvcp71.dll, free download. Place the DLL in the same directory as ModStudio. Then everything will work fine.

Attached Image:

ModStudio.exe - Unable to Locate Component.png

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 29 May 2008 06:31:07 +0000

It did'nt work for me. I Downloaded the file and still gave me the same message. I tried placing it in the docs, but it still did'nt work

Attached File: Stupid Mod Problem.bmp (2 MB)

Crazy Guy
Sat, 11 Oct 2008 20:35:24 +0000

MSVCP71.dll goes in either the same folder that the ModStudio EXE is in, or in WINDOWS/system32, take your pick, as that is also the search order for DLL files (same as EXE then SYSTEM32)

Fri, 29 May 2009 13:08:03 +0000

I got the exact same problem, and doing the steps above yielded the same result.

Sat, 15 Aug 2009 17:56:23 +0000


Fri, 21 Aug 2009 19:24:14 +0000

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