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Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 - Bait for Sniping

I've been working some crazy overtime lately. So I haven't played a game at all for the past two months. Working overtime, barely able to see my wife and kids, I try to spend as much free time with them as I can. Two nights ago, I finally decided I couldn't take it any more. There is just too much stress, ready for relief. So I decided to relieve stress by shooting some terrorists.

That's when I decided to load up Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, which I bought many many moons ago on Steam, but just never played. And, wow, what a difference from Rainbow Six: Raven Shield and Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear. It has way more action and way more smart terrorists and way more intelligent team members.

After playing two nights, I figured out a trick on big maps with long hallways or spacious rooms. I'm a much better sniper than an assault member, so I learned a trick to send my squad members far forward of me, which spawn terrorists at a distance. Then I just pick them off one at a time with my sniper rifle. What fun!? And on the easy levels, my squad members are usually good enough to keep themselves alive. :-)

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 29 Apr 2009 08:15:24 +0000

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