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Free fun with Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts, also known as EA, is one of the largest digital games producers in the world. EA specializes in high quality games for PC, Mac, Xbox 360, Nintendo, Wii and an array of other gaming systems. EA's website along with the afore mentioned gaming systems also includes a section dedicated to providing users with free fun and entertaining games that you can play right from the website. The advantage of this free gaming system is two-fold, prospective customers get to see what kind of quality EA produces and the company gets to test beta versions. Beta testing gives EA the opportunity to get their product into the hands of customers, customers who are more than happy to inform them of any software glitches or bugs. While the intent might seem obvious there is also a much lighter, less business oriented reason people are flocking to EA's website to play these games�they're a blast to play! When people have fun and associate feelings of happiness with a company's product they are more likely to purchase something! Right now a person can open the EA site and select “free games” under the “games” tab and just like magic you are transported to a world of free games like “Mirror's Edge”, a beta version of “Battlefield Heroes” and “Mercenaries 2”. Let's not leave out the kids. EA's free section also comes with the “Littlest Pet Shop” games that will surely send more than a few parents running to the local gaming store frantically searching for the means to stop the ever present whining coming from a child that wants the full version of the game they are playing. Whatever the reason people are visiting EA's website, the “free games” section is sure to please and maybe add a few bucks of revenue for the ever growing gaming industry.

Lucas lego
Sun, 03 May 2009 02:11:55 +0000

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