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Free Electronic Arts Sponsored Games

I recently found out that Electronic Arts sponsors the website It's a brilliant idea because it features simple games, but has one addicting component. Prizes! They take simple games that people love like solitaire, bingo and scrabble and you can play competitively to win big prizes. It's such a simple concept, but I think it's brilliant. I'm looking at their website on a Saturday afternoon and they currently have over 220K users at one time. Considering the type of traffic that they must be getting to their website they must be making a killing through their advertisements.

The games are free to play and it's easy to sign up. They have an easy layout that is easy to navigate the website. I can't wait to get to work Monday morning so that I can really start trying the different games out. Because come on let's be serious, who actually does work at work. I bet that half of the users on that website are probably at work and the other half is probably stay at home moms. The moms probably play for seven hours a day, clean for one hour a day, and complain to their husbands as soon as they get home that they slaved away at home, haha.

Sat, 02 May 2009 21:31:14 +0000

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