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car won't start even with jumper cables

My brother's red 1995 Honda Civic EX had been parked for a while. I tried to start it up and it was completely dead--of course! Took me another day to charge up my Coleman jumper battery. Finally, when it was charged, I took it out to the car and tried to jump start the car. The starter spun like crazy, but the car did not start. Tried it about ten times. Even pumped the gas pedal a few times. That was strange.

Does the installed car battery have to be a good one in order for the car to be jumped?

I pulled out the light-weight battery from my other car to give it a try. The car roared to life from the first try. So I guess the answer is yes, a car can't be jumped on a completely dead battery.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 12 Dec 2008 22:42:22 +0000

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