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Excitement Is High For The 2010 MazdaSpeed3

Not all the news today concerning automobiles is positive, but that's all about to change. There's a bright spot gleaming ahead and it's known as the 2010 MazdaSpeed3. It's been thoughtfully updated and fans of previous models are anxiously awaiting the specifics, although many photos can now be seen on the internet.

What's the most noticeable difference? The hood. Past models were lower profile, but the new hood may have a much bigger scoop which can prove to help function in similar car styles. Then again, without undisguised photos, they may be trying to keep us guessing. After all, most of the buzz has come from those who've seen the car being tested out on a German race track. From what you can see in photos (since nothing official has been issued by Mazda), there's also new hatchback styling, more angled taillights and headlights, and possibly a new front grill that looks happy as if the automobile may be smiling at us.

It will be at least November before we'll get a good look at the U.S. version as it's still not clear whether Mazda will unveil it at L.A.'s car show or worst case, they'll wait even later for the show in Detroit. No matter, it's looks like another example of dynamite in a small package; if word on the street is correct, it will still carry a turbocharged 2.3L four cylinder engine, but have improved pickup from 0-to-60 m.p.h. No doubt, the 2010 MazdaSpeed3 will deliver on performance, safety, and it's hot new look.

Tue, 28 Apr 2009 16:06:04 +0000

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