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Bashing Rotational Noise - Tighten the Axle Nut

About a year ago, my car developed this creaking noise that only happens when the vehicle is parked by turn left or right into a parking space at 5 MPH. For the longest time, we couldn't figure out what caused that noise. I had taken the wheel off and examined every suspension components. I even had the dealer examine the car twice, but bearing no fruit.

Recently, the problem worsened. Coming down a winding mountain road, every time the car took a right hand curve, the driver-side suspension produced a strange rotational bashing sound. It was almost as it a stick is hitting the wheel well repeatedly. I thought my wheel well had ripped out.

But pulling the wheel off and examine the situation showed no sign of damage. This continued for six months. I pulled the wheel off twice but still couldn't find a problem. I finally took the car to the dealer again for maintenance. And the mechanic found that the axle nut on the wheel was loose. He tightened it and the noise went away.

It's amazing that something so simple is so hard to find. What's the lesson learned here? Perhaps I should have tried to tighten every bolt that I can find down there. It's hard to say without experiencing it again.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 15 May 2009 03:44:52 +0000

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