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FoxFi Bluetooth Tether Experience

After getting the unlocked Google Galaxy Nexus, we wanted to try Bluetooth tethering to another Android device. After all, Ice Cream Sandwich suppose to have solved many Bluetooth tethering challenges that existed in Android 2.2 and Android 3.0. The Android device we choose to use is the Motorola Triumph with Android 2.2. The Motorola Triumph is the perfect phone for this test because FoxFi WiFi mode doesn't work with this phone.

The test started quite successfully. Tethering the Galaxy Nexus to the Triumph was as easy as FoxFi web page suggested. Right away we had Internet access. But the thrill soon fell off after that. The rest of this article exhibits the different aspect of living in a Bluetooth tethered world.


The Android Browser works just fine with the Bluetooth tethering. Web pages loads quickly. The only problem is that you can't download. Whenever Browser attempts to download a file, the progress bar animates in the notification bar, but no progress is made. Due to this problem, you won't be able to install apps from the Internet; you will have to rely on app markets.

App Markets

Most app markets will not work with Bluetooth tethering. The only app markets that work is YAAM. Other markets, such as Google Play, Amazon Appstore, Mikandi, SlideMe, and expect either WiFi or carrier network connection. If you are going to use Bluetooth tethering much, get yourself a YAAM account.

We also tried Samsung's app store, "Samsung Apps", because the Google Galaxy Nexus is now Samsung's top-of-the-line phone. But surprisingly, its store app would not install on either of the phones in this article. It simply reports, "Application not installed".


Google's email app doesn't seem to work too well with Bluetooth tethering. It can't sync with the server while Bluetooth tethered. Therefore, it won't download new messages nor send new emails.

Other Internet Apps

Many Internet apps check for Internet access on launch. Many of them shuts down right off the bat because they detect no WiFi access nor carrier access. In the end, it is really a pain to use Internet apps with Bluetooth tethering.

Fri, 04 May 2012 08:54:13 +0400


YouTube happens to work great with Bluetooth tethering. Both the mobile site and the app works without any problem.

Mon, 07 May 2012 14:05:27 +0400


After trying YouTube, and getting it to work, with Blutooth tethering, it's only natural to try TubeMate. I was able to search for a video, after finding it, download it with TubeMate over a Bluetooth connection. It works.

Tue, 15 May 2012 01:20:57 +0400


AndFTP works with Bluetooth tethering. After connecting to a server using the SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), the app was able to get a list of files on the server. Download worked at a decent speed.

So far, AndFTP is probably the next best thing to downloading a file directly from through the Android Browser.

Tue, 15 May 2012 02:32:04 +0400

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Title: Bluetooth Tethering Compatibility
Weblog: Cynosure.X International
Excerpt: We learned today that many Internet based Android apps doesn't work too well when your Android device connects to the Internet via Bluetooth tethering. In fact, most of these app shuts down on launch because network access is turned off. Our Android apps also exhibit this symptom. We realized that n . . .
Tracked: Fri, 04 May 2012 09:03:36 +0400

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