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Verizon Can't Tell You What Problem Report You Filed

Verizon pissing me off!

Live Chat Transcript
It was a pleasure to assist you. Your chat session has ended. Thank You.
Your chat ID number is [chat ID erased]. Please select Exit to close this window.

Chat Subject:FiOS Telephone (Cannot Receive Calls)
Your Question:Regarding Ticket Number [ticket number erased]
A Verizon Service Representative will be with you shortly. Thank you.
Agent Verizon has joined.
Verizon : Chat ID for this session is [chat ID erased].
Verizon(18:11:01): Thank you for using Verizon FiOS Technical Support. My name is Verizon, for security purposes please post the name, address, and telephone number on the account as well as a good can be reached telephone number
Me(18:11:14): [name erased]
Me(18:11:21): [address erased]
Me(18:11:56): My ticket [ticket number erased] has been open for a week. Why is it taking so long to move my number to my new residence?
Verizon(18:12:36): Thank you. I apologize for any inconvenience, but Id be more than happy to assist you with your issue today.
Verizon(18:13:16): Please allow me a minute while I access your account.
Verizon(18:13:31): Meanwhile, I would like to let you know, after our session is completed, I would like to send you a onetime e-mail containing tips and links to some of our great self help tools including the Verizon In Home Agent software, which also helps in resolving common issues related to your services.
May I send it to "[e-mail erased]"?
Me(18:13:51): sure.
Verizon(18:14:26): Thank you. Allow me about 2 minutes to see what is going on with your issue.
Me(18:14:32): Thanks.
Verizon(18:15:02): My pleasure.
Verizon(18:18:08): Still here with you. Still gathering all proper information.
Verizon(18:22:33): What is the number that you wanted to switch over?
Me(18:22:53): I want to move xxx-xxx-xxxx to my new residence.
Verizon(18:25:43): Ok,
Verizon(18:28:23): Still looking at the records.
Verizon(18:30:44): Thank you for holding.
Verizon(18:31:44): I was reviewing all the information, and it doesn't show that there was an order to connect this number. Have you talked to the BILLING department for this request?
Me(18:32:21): What!?!!!
Me(18:32:33): I have called the service last wednesday to request for this move.
Me(18:32:43): I've been talking to live chat every single day thsi past week!
Me(18:32:50): You are telling me that there is no request!!?
Me(18:32:56): What is ticket number [ticket number erased]?
Verizon(18:35:26): I do see this ticket number, It does show that you wanted to connect a different number.
Me(18:35:34): What does the ticket show?
Me(18:35:39): How can I see the ticket?
Verizon(18:36:54): However, I don't see any information related to an order to have this number connected.
Me(18:37:02): What is on ticket [ticket number erased]
Me(18:37:04): ?
Verizon(18:37:24): Unfortunately, Customers don't have access to view tickets or reports. Sorry.
Me(18:37:36): What?
Me(18:37:38): then what is that ticket for?
Me(18:37:48): What service does that ticket provide?
Verizon(18:38:28): Well, It is for the issue you are reporting. Let me ask you. Did anyone ever contact you related to this?
Me(18:38:38): No.
Me(18:38:44): What problem did I report?
Verizon(18:41:34): I see that you wanted to change or add a number on your account.
Me(18:41:52): I don't want to add a number.
Me(18:42:05): I want to move my old number xxx-xxx-xxxx to my new residence.
Me(18:42:18): I don't want the current number that Verizon has assigned to me!
Verizon(18:42:43): Right. You want to change your number.
Me(18:42:58): Ok. I want to change my number back to xxx-xxx-xxxx.
Verizon(18:45:43): What number do you currently have?
Me(18:46:07): I don't remember. It's the one Verizon assigned to my account when I moved last week.
Verizon(18:46:42): The current number I see is yyy-yyy-yyyy
Me(18:46:48): Yes. That's the new one.
Verizon(18:47:23): Ok, does that line work? Are you able to make and recieve calls?
Me(18:47:30): yes.
Verizon(18:47:55): Great.
Me(18:52:28): Hello?
Verizon(18:53:33): Sorry, still here. Im just trying to see if I see anything related to the number you want to change.
Me(18:54:01): I see.
Verizon(18:54:46): I don't see anything related to the account related to this change.
Verizon(18:55:16): I would strongly recommend contacting the BILLING departement and tell them you wish to change your number.
Me(18:55:29): What's the number?
Verizon(18:57:04): You can reach them at 877.651.4260 from M-F 8a-8p and Sat. from 8a-6p.
Me(18:57:27): great
Verizon(18:59:27): I deeply apologize for this huge inconvenience, but I can assure you the BILLING TEAM will be able to make the change you request.
Me(18:59:59): I sure hope they can help.
Me(19:00:10): At this time, I have no confidence in Verizon.
Me(19:00:36): After five days of requesting a move, you are telling me there is no record.
Verizon(19:00:46): I'm sorry to hear that. I know they will.
Me(19:01:15): When is ticket number [ticket number erased] going to get resolved?
Me(19:01:32): Will it even get resolved?
Me(19:01:52): Not that I even know what's on it any more, but can Verizon even give me any confidence that this ticket will even get resolved?
Verizon(19:02:32): I don't see any on the BILLING side. I do see you reported this but it was on the TECHNICAL department. The ticket you were given is still open, meaning, a VERIZON TECHNICIAN should contact you in 24-48 hours for an update related to this.
Me(19:02:55): They have push this ticket back day after day.
Me(19:03:08): This is why I have been talking to Live Chat every other day.
Verizon(19:04:43): I see, I'm sorry for that. Call the BILLING department when you have a chance, Let them know about the change request. Also, let them know about what you been through. They will be more than happy to provide you some credits for this huge inconvenience.
Me(19:05:08): great.
Verizon(19:05:38): Is there anything else I can assist you with today? Any issues on any other VERIZON FiOS service?
Me(19:05:46): Apparently not.
Verizon(19:06:06): To close this chat please click on END CHAT, then scroll down and click on EXIT.
Thank you for choosing Verizon and have a great evening.
Your session is now closed.
Thank you, have a nice day.

Fri, 06 Jul 2012 09:54:50 +0400

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