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Texting While You Shower

Are you a text messaging frantic? Can't stop texting all day long? You rather text your friends than taking a nice warm shower?

Walking into the shower just now, it occurred to me that you can text in the shower. And you don't need super water-proof phones and gadgets, which I believe doesn't exist. All you need is your phone (or gadget) and a zip-lock bag.

Put the phone in the zip-lock bag. Squeeze all the air out. The transparent zip-lock bag will let you see the screen of your phone. And text away while the crystal clear water is flushing away the gum and the grease off your silky, smooth, sexy body . . . unless, of course, you are a man.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 27 Jul 2009 06:31:28 +0000

Recently got a Motorola Triumph even before it's officially released to the public. So there is hardly any accessory for it; no pouch. And so far, there are no substitution pouch for its large 4" screen.

Last thing I want to do is to put it directly into my pocket, to let lint inside, and to allow lint to stick to the screen from the inside. I found that a 6 1/2" x 3 1/4" zip lock bag to be the perfect size for this phone. It's a little long, but folded, it fits just fine in my pocket. It'll do until a proper pouch comes along.

That's when I remembered this article. Apparently, the Motorola Triumph touch screen works perfectly through the zip lock bag plastic. And it's power button and volume buttons are easily accessible through the bag as well. If you have this phone and have this well-sized zip lock bag, you will undoubtfully love showering with them.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 25 Jul 2011 23:58:59 +0000

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