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Post It Note Carrier

My wife needed some new brake pads on her Subaru Impreza WRX STi. So I done my research online and found two different sets of brake pads that would work on her car at AutoZone. After writing the model numbers down on a small Post It note I took it with me into my car. On the way, the little note slipped into the black hole between the seat and the center console, never to be recovered again.

The second time around, I was a little smarter. I stuck the Post It note to the face of my Samsung A900M cellphone (see photo below). The 2" x 1.5" Post-It note is perfectly sized for the front face. It does cover the front LCD panel, but no big deal.

Because the cellphone goes every I go, that's that perfect place to carry the Post It note-to-go. I have an extended battery on the back of the phone, so the back-side of the A900M doesn't work for me. After carrying this Post It note with me all day without loosing it, I am convinced that this manner is the best way to carry a small Post It note.

Attached Image:

Post It Note on A900M.JPG

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 08 Jun 2008 02:40:57 +0000

If you have the basic Samsung A900M without the extended battery, the back side of the phone has enough space for the 2"x1.5" Post-It note (see photo below).

Attached Image:

Post It Note on the Back of A900M.JPG

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 08 Jun 2008 02:43:23 +0000

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