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Android Calendar is a Little Lax on Features

I really enjoy running the Android OS on my mobile phone. It operates pretty fast, has a whole hosts of apps, and is object-oriented. But today, entering my third event into the Android Calendar app, I discovered a problem. I can't schedule custom recurring events. The following are the "Repetition" selections:

  • One-time event
  • Daily
  • Every weekday (Mon-Fri)
  • Weekly (every Thursday)
  • Monthly (every fourth Thu)
  • Monthly (on May 27)
  • Yearly (on May 27)

My event occurs every two weeks. Where is the option for that?

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 27 May 2010 20:46:51 +0000

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Title: Need Calendar App for iPhone or Android
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: I'm looking for a replacement for my Palm which crashed recently... It seems like neither iPhone nor Android are able to implement a calendar/todo application with the same features as the Palm one. Amazing, the Palm-pilot had this in 1995! I need a calender with possibility to schedule "every x wee . . .
Tracked: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 18:07:12 +0000

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