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Motorola QIP2500-3 Diagnostics Menu

Yesterday, Verizon came to my house to install FiOS. I had order the triple bundle (Phone, Internet, and TV) for $79.99 a month for two years. During the installation of the Motorola QIP2500 set-top box, I noticed that the tech entering the "QIP 2500 Diagnostics" screen. So last night, I looked around online to see how that's done. It wasn't easy based on online descriptions, but I managed to figure out how to enter it consistently after a while.

The online instruction says, while the set-top box is on (meaning that you are watching a program), hit the set-top box "Power" button, then "Select" button twice quickly. First of all, the set-top box has the "Power" button and the "Select" button on the front panel. The remote control only has the "Power" button. I found that the "Select" button is the same as the "OK" button on the remote. There are two "OK" button on the remote. One of them is in the center of the directional buttons. The other one is a small button at the bottom right-hand corner of the remote. It also says "Enter" next to it. You can use both "OK" buttons on the remote as the "Select" button.

What causes me the most grief is the fact that the set-top box responds slowly. After you push the "Power", "Select", "Select" button, wait three seconds for the "QIP 2500 Diagnostics" menu to show up. The three second wait tripped me up for a long time, because I keep thinking the sequence doesn't work and start hitting the "Power" button again. So if you just hit the three button sequence, while the set-top box is on, and wait, then you'll always get to the diagnostics screen.

Fri, 29 Jun 2012 01:20:53 +0400

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Title: Motorola QIP2500-3 Set-Up Menu
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: While trying to activating the "Motorola QIP2500-3 Diagnostics Menu", I accidentally activated the setup menu, but exited immediately, because the response rate of the QIP 2500 is too slow. I've also seen the Verizon field tech activate that menu before. Online posts mention hitting the "Power", "Se . . .
Tracked: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 01:24:47 +0400

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