League of Legends: Drink Potions at End Game. Although the maximum summoner level is 30, summoner level doesn't actually end at level 30.
Wondering how five Blitzcrank would do on a Summoner's Rift map? I can say it's a lot of fun getting a lot of annoying (to the opponent) kills. Just don't ...
The proponents to Runaan's Hurricane look at the math to massive enemy team damage and raves about its possibilities. The opponents to Runaan's Hurricane claim ...
Is it just me or is Fiora and Master Yi very similar? I just played a Twisted Treeline game against Fiora in the bottom lane. She would flash around attacking ...
Lucian - Think of a squad of dual-pistol wielding assassins. Except this squad has machine pistols as its ultimate ability. It seems pretty easy to chain up ...
Mar 20, 2018 · Played two games of co-op vs. AI intermediate on Twisted Treeline. Both times at late game, one of the bots just sat in base. Didn't come out at ...
The increased attack speed will help you farm and life steal faster, meaning you can stay in lane longer. Next, you should build Zeal to boost it even more.
Good thing that the keys on this keyboard are snapped on. Using a bit of fingernail, you can easily pop off a key, clean it, then pop it back on. It is so ...
NoVA Suite 1.2 RC1 (for gearhacks eyes only). Damned, yesterday evening my ISP had some problem : I had no more internet connection.
Compared to my typical build, Runaan's Hurrcane just doesn't do enough damage to the primary target. But it is very powerful when the enemy champion is ...