How to Read The Crystal Scar Victory/Defeat Overview ScreenAlthough colorful and interesting, it's not always easy to interpret the LOL statistics screen. In this article, we take a Crystal Scar victory screen and explains the mystery numbers on it. (Click the screen shot below to see a larger version.) ![]() The LOL statistics screen is divided into three major areas (boxes). Box on the Top LeftThe top left of the box shows four entries. The first entry is the map name. In this case it is "The Crystal Scar". In other game modes, it can be "Summoner's Rift" or "Twisted Treeline". The second entry shows the game type. "Summoner's Rift" and "Twisted Treeline" are currently always "Classic", while "The Crystal Scar" is currently always "Dominion". The third entry displays "Normal" or "Ranked". With ranked games, you'll also see your ELO (first number behind "Ranked") and ELO change (in blue). The fourth entry is the time it took to complete this game. The title of this box shows either "Victory" or "Defeat" depending on whether you team won or lost the game. Underneath the Victory/Defeat title, it shows you how much influence points (IP) you've gained this game. If you hover the pointer over each segment of the IP, it will explain the various IP bonuses. Below the IP bar is the experience (XP) bar. You can hover the pointer over each segement of the XP, it will explain the XP bonuses. In the screen shot above, there is no information in the XP bar, because the summoner is level 30. At level 30, you stop gaining experience. There are two numbers below the XP bar. These two numbers shows your win vs. loss with regards to Dominion PvP games. The number on the left is the number of games you won. The number on the right is the number of games you lost. Directly underneath the top left box is the final Dominion score between the two teams. Box on the Bottom Left
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