
Wiki: Wireless Mobile Phone

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Verizon Cellphone Voice Mail Control

Dial *86 to go to voicemail.

  • 1 - Rewind
  • 1-1 - Rewind to beginning of message
  • 2 - Pause
  • 3 - Fast Forward (can be used when leaving a message to get to the beep faster)
  • 3-3 - Fast Forward to end of message
  • 4 - Slower
  • 5 - Envelope Info (date/time message was sent)
  • 6 - Faster
  • 7 - Delete Message
  • 8 - Reply (only works with other Verizon Wireless Voice Mail subscribers in your own area)
  • 9 - Save message
  • * - Cancel/Exit
  • 0 - Help
  • # - Finish/Skip

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