

Older Revision of Steam Link Review

Revision: 20171111_205131 | All Revisions

Steam Link Review


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The Device

The Steam Link device is just a simple black box with no special features. that has no bright LEDs for a liquid crystal display to distract you from your entertainment system. The only indication that does anything is the steam symbol on top (see photo below).

It's about the size of half a toast and the thickness is about the height of a toast. it literally is about the size of the palm of your hand. But for something so small it's actually a pretty hefty in weight. It kind of make you wonder what they put inside it.

The bottom of the device it's a giant non-slip foam pad. It's almost as big as a device itself.

The device starts to get a lot more interesting when you look at it from the back. You'll see a number of connectivity ports as shown in the photo below. From the left side, you have the AC port, then comes the two USB ports, then the network ethernet port, and finally the HDMI TV connector.
What's even more interesting is that it doesn't stop right there. When you look to the side of the device, you'll find an additional USB port. I really applaud Valve for providing that. Because it's such a small device, I didn't expect them to provide 3 USB ports.

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Initial Setup

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