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Human Taxi Drones

So the Amazon drone that deliver packages for the Amazon Prime service got all the new coverage recently. Even though it can only carry 5 lbs packages in a 10 miles radius within 30 minutes of ordering a product, it's still a tempting innovation that may be close to reality and improve our day-to-day lives. Give that, let's get into an even better life changing idea.

How about taxi drones? It would fly in pick you up and drop you off anywhere. You can call it up on your Android phone or iPhone. Just image you walk outside your home, punch in a button (phone sends your GPS to the taxi drone service), a drone fly by and pick you up for work. You done shopping at the nearest mall, you walk outside, punching the button on your phone and a drone picks you up and drops you off at home.

Maybe a drone that carries a 200 lbs person is a little far fetched, but if it is possible, like the Amazon package drone, it would completely revolutionize our transportation system. Just think, instead of waiting for a bus or subway train on a set schedule, you set the schedule with your phone. Even with a range of 10 miles, it would completely change the transportation of a town. Freeways would be less cluttered, filled only with long range commuters.

Of course, dangling off the bottom of a drone may not be all that comfortable. But for short distances and many shortcuts (flying over houses rather than navigating the streets), cutting down the time, the benefit may outweigh the negatives.

What do you think of a human taxi drone service?

Tue, 10 Dec 2013 02:53:14 +0300

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