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Blogging getting out of hand?

Today, I was just passing by the Engadget web site to see what's new on this electronics weblog. A story called "Sony takes Microsoft to the cleaners" caught my eye. It was a fun read about Microsoft and Sony battling for game console market share.

Looking at the Engadget article more closely, I noticed that it cited the Boing Boing, which is another weblog. Boing Boing titled the cited article as "Microsoft vs. Sony at the laundry".

Already frustrated that I wasn't getting the news from the horse's mouth, I glared carefully at the Boing Boing article and saw a "Link". This link took me to Aeiou blog: excuse my french!, another weblog on the Internet. This blog has the "Microsoft vs. Sony : The Laundry Battle" article, which the first two articles are based on.

I looked carefully, but the article on Aeiou blog has no more citings to the basis of its article. I would normally assume it is the main source of the information. But after seeing a chain of these blog articles, I am starting to wonder if the Aeiou blog is the main source. I am sure Engadget is also not the last in the chain either, as other blogs are surely citing from Engadget.

This experience forces me to wonder if anyone in the blogging industry is coming up with anything original. Every blog seems to be citing its stories from second and even third hand sources. Couldn't they even go directly to the source like traditional newscasts? Or are they just too lazy sitting behind their desk surfing the Internet? Perhaps, the bloggers just want to flood the search engine bots with their stories to fulfill their advertising greed.

Some claims that blogs will eventually bring the end of traditional newscast. With this kind of reporting, I seriously doubt that. You know how rumor goes after traveling through several generations of "sources". I think its about time search engine start to filter out blogs. Or, at least, split its database so users can choose to search more substantial materials versus blog materials. I think rather than blogs replacing traditional new reporting, the closest they would get is to replacing traditional tabloids.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 14:37:29 -0700

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