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idrive for TorqueMaster is Temperature Sensitive

I have the iDrive for TorqueMaster. I am the original owner of the house since late 2005.

My problem is when the weather gets below 40F the door stops intermittently while travelling up. This problem did not start until 4 or 5 years ago. The colder the weather the more times it hangs up when opening. It usually does not hang up on the way down unless the temperature is less than about 20F

I have tried lubricating as many moving parts as I can find. When I put the red handle in the manual position the door freely moves from full open to full close and from full close to full open. The door seems to be balanced very well and there is very little downward force when the handle is in manual position.

2 or 3 years ago I had garage door technicians in the try and adjust the unit so it would not be temperature sensitive. They lubricated everything they could find and checked balance and could find no problems. They did comment that they are aware of lots of problems with Wayne Dalton iDrive openers.

Today (1/4/2014) it is about 20F. I took a heat gun (on the low setting) to the unit to warm it up to about 80F. After heating up the iDrive, it did not hang up once going up or down.

I am sure it will hang up in a few hours once the unit cools down again.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this unit, short of replacing it with another brand?

Sat, 04 Jan 2014 22:23:42 +0300

I wish! Mine does the same shit behavior every winter.

Lee Adams
Wed, 15 Nov 2017 09:44:46 -0800

I couldn't have written this story any better my self. Identical issues right down to the 40 degrees. Obviously has begun the same issue as last winter after working perfectly all summer. Just re-started acting up this week. I sure would like help from anyone with answers to the temperature sensitivity. Totally aggregating. Anybody have a workaround to solve the problem?

Sat, 13 Oct 2018 17:44:30 -0700

I took Ken's lead about warming it up. I mounted a utility lamp below the drive so the heat would rise and keep the drive warm. Voila, what a difference. I added a small towel on the drive to reduce lost heat. This fix works so far down to minus 10 C were as it would quit before at plus 8 C. See my photo for the set up I am now using. The door works almost flawlessly, only a very rare stoppage part way up, rarely...
Thanks to Ken for the idea to warm the drive. I had been blaming the tightness of the door in cold weather. I seems the drive needs to be warmed to work. Thanks Ken... I have attached a photo below... now a happy guy (a wife is too)
Be sure to reply if you too have success.

Sun, 02 Dec 2018 12:32:32 -0800

Wow! I'm going to try that heat lamp. Good idea! Thanks

Lee Adams
Sat, 09 Mar 2019 12:03:39 -0800

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