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Clash of Clans: Getting 1250 Trophies

In Clash of Clan, there is the "Sweet Victory!" achievement that grants you 450 gems. That is practically one new builder. Or if you already have three builders, that gets you half way to the fourth builder.

But it is not easy getting 1250 trophies, because the easy villages to raid grant you an average of 10 trophies... assuming you don't make any mistakes. And while you are building your army, higher level players usually raid you, reducing your trophies by about 20 at a time.

Doing the math, you can easily see that you loose trophies more than you gain. So how do you acquire 1250 trophies to unlock the achievement? I will provide you some tips and tricks below.

- Stay in the game trick. Other players cannot attack you while you are in the game. That means one trick you can use is to stay in the game as long as you can and attack and rape easy opponents many times in a single session. You basically need to win 30 or more trophies in one session, so that you come out on top when you get raided.

To accomplish that: set your screen time out to never, 10 minutes, or something long. While you build your army, make sure the screen doesn't turn off and the game doesn't kick you out due to inactivity. You can do that by tapping on the screen every few minutes. You also need to have your device plugged in so that the battery doesn't drain. As soon as your army is built, find an easy opponent to attack.

It's pretty boring tapping on the screen every few minutes. The trick is to do that while you are watching TV or doing some other fun stuff.

- Find easy villages to raid. After a while, you'll figure out what kind of village your army can raid and succeed. Then it's a matter of looking for the same type of village to raid over and over again.

The only gamble is whether the opponent has clan troops. You can see whether the opponent is part of a clan. If it is, see if there are any gravestones. If there are gravestones, it means the village has been attacked before and highly possible that the clan troops are depleted. If not, you should move onto easier pray.

There are many villages where the town hall is in a corner of the map, away from the village. The village owner is hoping you attack the town hall to give it a free shield without raiding its resources. You can take these town halls easily for an easy win with very little troops.

Wed, 26 Aug 2015 01:26:59 +0400

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Title: Clash of Clans: Trophy Hunt
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: In Clash of Clans, there are several reasons to earn trophies: - Bragging rights. - Achievements. - Earn gems. In the "Sweet Victory" achievement, you can score 450 gems, which allows you to buy the third builder (cost 500 gems). And if you get to the Crystal League (2000 trophies), you get another . . .
Tracked: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 10:35:12 +0400

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