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Intermec Norand 6642 Battery Rebuild

Do you still use your unit and how does the battery behave on yours? Is
the battery still good or defective? Is this device of any interest to
you anymore? I rebuilt my battery but I went up to 2900mah instead of
the usual 1800-2000 that it once had. The unit charged the old battery
once since I had it then it kept saying it was full, but I couldn't
power the unit on by battery alone.

I'm getting 2000mah batteries within the next week to rebuild another
battery. My current issue is that battery led goes green then
orange...then it flashes. When it flashes, it means the system can't see
the battery. I wonder if its my unit itself and not the battery.

If my current trials with the rebuilt battery don't work, would you be
interested in testing my rebuilt battery so I will know if my unit is

Bryan Smith
Wed, 30 Sep 2009 20:14:29 +0000

I use it on a daily basis. I have two small children, so when I watch them, I can't use a desktop or a laptop. The tablet is handy on the couch when the kids are running/crawling around.

Do you know the voltage of each cell and the voltage of the entire battery pack. That's important. In my experience using battery cells of the wrong voltage is usually the culprit. There really is a difference between 3.6v and 3.7v battery cells.

My battery pack only lasts about 5 to 10 minutes on full charge. I haven't rebuilt it yet, because I was never really able to figure out the voltage of the battery pack.

Sure. I wouldn't mind testing out your battery for you. But let's start with the voltage first. What voltage cells did you use to rebuild the battery pack?

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 30 Sep 2009 23:41:43 +0000

The batteries are 3.6-3.7 volt 18650 batteries...which is pretty much
the standard for packs like those. I bought 3.6-3.7 2900mAH batteries to
build my pack. The original system had 1700mAH of juice in it which
lasted about 2 hours according to the manual.The manual also says it is
rated at 11.1 volts. Which is 3.7 x 3, but 18650's never stay at just
3.* really...they go well into 4 volts. That's why my pack was reading
12 volts.

I recall that my batteries were reading roughly 12 volts charged, but it
never powered on the system. I didn't get to test the pack while the old
pack was functioning, though I still have the old batteries. It worked
for about 2 minutes...said the battery was dead/dying so I waited to
charge it. I got home charged it full, but it never powered on by
battery alone after the first time.

I will be putting pics and specs up online about this venture within the
week. Just focus on any 18650 battery and you're almost there. The
diameter matters too if you want it to fit in your case! I think my
issue might be my tablet itself or the circuit on the batteries.Funny
thing rebuilt pack never goes above 10.51-2 volts :(

That might be the real issue

Bryan Smith
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 18:07:54 +0000

Thanks for the info on the Intermec Norand 6642 battery pack being 11.1 volts.

Reading your message, my take on it is that there wasn't enough attention being paid to the voltage of each battery cell.

I kept emphasizing that there is a difference between 3.6v and 3.7v 18650 battery cells. There really is. The 11.1 volt battery packs needs three 3.7v battery cells. 3.6 volt battery cells will not work.

I learned the hard way that 18650 comes in two types: 3.6v and 3.7v. I've rebuild the battery pack for my Sony SuperSlim notebook several times. But the last time I managed to find inexpensive 3.6v 18650 batteries. The rebuild didn't work. That opened my eyes to the difference between inexpensive 3.6v 18650 vs. the more expensive 3.7v 18650. It's documented in this post:

Rebuilding the Sony VAIO PCGA-BP51 Li-Ion notebook battery pack

Base on your message, it doesn't sound like you know whether your new cells are 3.6v or 3.7v. That would be the first thing to check.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 20:03:13 +0000

Is rebuiling battery safe? I have never tried doing this before. What will be the effect of the battery after it has been rebuilt? I thinks this is very complicated.

Kathleen Winfrey
Fri, 09 Nov 2012 06:24:14 +0300

The effect of rebuilding the battery pack is that you'll have a "new" battery pack, because you are using new battery cells. Rebuilding the battery is safe if you know what you are doing. That typically means you know electronics, how to solder, and battery safety with regards to heat.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 09 Nov 2012 20:40:00 +0300

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Title: Repeated Beeping on Intermec Norand 6642
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: Recently, when I power up the Intermec Norand 6642, it would start beeping repeatedly and continuously. I let it run for a while and it never stops beeping. I finally decided to get to the bottom of it. After taking the tablet apart, I tried removing several component, including the hard drive and t . . .
Tracked: Fri, 09 Nov 2012 20:40:39 +0300

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