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Lack of Wi-Fi connection in Hawaii hotels

I'm sitting at the Honolulu International Airport (HNL) right now, thinking about my one and a half week experience on the Contiki Hawaiian Discovery and Kauai Extension Tour. Through out this tour, I made a lot of new friends, visited four Hawaii islands, enjoyed the golden sunset, listened to the magnificent ocean waves splash on lava rocks, smelled the refreshing salted sea breeze, and made companions with sea turtles and dolphins. This trip is probably one of the most unforgettable vacations that I have taken. But the thing that troubled me the most was that there was no Wi-Fi access at any of the hotels that we stayed at. (You didn't think this was going to be come a budget travel site, did you?)

When we started the tour, I had thought maybe the first hotel we stayed in had no Wi-Fi. But soon, I realized that none of the hotels we stayed at had Wi-Fi access. We stayed at four different hotels, a different one for each island. On Oahu, we stayed at Ocean Resort Hotel. On Big Island, Contiki booked us at the Kona Seaside Hotel. On Maui, it was the Ohana Maui Islander. And on Kauai, we relaxed at the Aloha Beach Resort. None of these hotels provide Wi-Fi access in our rooms. Now, I'm not saying that the hotels should provide Wi-Fi access for free (though that would be nice as I have been spoiled by the Disney hotels), but the hotels should provide some way to access Wi-Fi in the rooms.

It's no wonder that the islands are filled with Internet cafes, which provide Internet access by the minutes. Unfortunately, having Internet access at these shops don't help me, because these shops only consider the average Internet users. They target Internet users who care only for an Internet browser. These shops simply won't do for me, because I need access to SSH, SCP, FTP, and a bunch of other Internet services. Not only that, I need to plug all my gears and gadgets into the computer while I'm using these Internet services.

While I was on the island, I had thought it would probably be a wonderful business to help hotels set-up Wi-Fi infrastructure in the hotels. I wish whoever undertakes this task a lot of luck and prosperity. I hope the next time I visit Hawaii, the infrastructure will be in place and I'll have an easier time getting onto the Internet.

Chieh Cheng
Sat, 17 Sep 2005 00:18:04 -0700

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