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Speed Up Ubuntu 12.10 Guest on VirtualBox

After installing Ubuntu 12.10 as a guest operating on Windows 8 via VirtualBox, I found its response rather luckluster. Compared it to dual-booting Ubuntu 12.10, it's like night-and-day. So after messing around with it for a while, i found that Unity requires 3D acceleration. The default VirtualBox installation provides 3D acceleration via CPU emulation through LLVMpipe, rather than the GPU. You can see if your installation uses LLVMpipe by issuing the following command in the Terminal:

  /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p

If Unity is going through LLVMpipe, you can increase its performance drastically by following these steps:

1. Install guest additions if you haven't already.
2. Add "vboxvideo" into "/etc/modules". You'll need sudo and your favorite editor to perform this step.
3. Shutdown the Ubuntu 12.10 virtual machine.
4. Enable 3D acceleration in VirtualBox settings for Ubuntu 12.10.

After you boot up the virtual machine, you should see a drastic improvement in speed. In fact, the launcher bar will be transparent for a nice visual effect.

It does seem to add a few side-effect though, such as auto-hiding the launcher doesn't allow your mouse to reveal it. And the VirtualBox toolbar no longer shows up on the screen.

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 00:52:49 +0400

The VirtualBox toolbar now works correctly all of a sudden. I guess a computer shutdown and restart did the trick. But revealing of the launcher still doesn't work.

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 21:19:34 +0400

Nope. The VirtualBox toolbar sometimes shows up and some times doesn't. To force it to show up, I have to use CTRL-ALT-DEL to bring up the Task Manager.

Tue, 16 Apr 2013 05:35:02 +0400

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Title: Ubuntu: Revealing Dash Without the Mouse
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: I now have Ubuntu 12.10 installed on my laptop and using it quite extensively. When I'm at home, my laptop is docked on my desk, but I don't use it directly. Instead, I use VNC to connect to it. Depending on the desktop operating system I use, I either use UltraVNC on Windows or use TightVNC on Linu . . .
Tracked: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 00:56:50 +0400

Title: VirtualBox Ubuntu 12.10 - Auto-Hide Launcher
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: Installing Ubuntu 12.10 in VirtualBox, on Windows 8, created some undesirable traits. For one, I could auto-hide the launcher, only to have a band that shows up in its place. The band covers everything that moves onto it. The following bug report seems to cover the symptom: Unity laucher leaves a tr . . .
Tracked: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 03:36:39 +0400

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