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virtual servers...

so i'm back on trying to get my new server online.

i'm running centos 5.2 as the host os (for some reason ubuntu wouldn't boot up on my scsi raid) installing zero addons except for csf. turned off all unnecessary services, etc.

now at first i was going to run xen, but thought it wouldn't be a good idea cause it runs its own kernel and i didn't want to be tied down to that. then i was thinking vmware, but is it just me, as simple to use as vmware is, don't you feel it's a little heavy? bloated? so i wanted something slim like qemu, but then i came across virtualbox (now owned by sun) which has some qemu elements and runs on multi-host platforms and is more free and open source. problem is that they don't list out their dependencies well and have a messy installer (because it looks for x11 and i didn't install any of that crap) so the installer doesn't have a simple switch or is smart enough not to ask for the x11 related dependecies. so i'm still futzing with it.

i just wanted to know before i spent more time on it... if anyone has tried virtualbox before?

Sat, 21 Mar 2009 06:18:47 +0000

since you want to run windows as a vm, you can only use xen if your cpu supports intel vt or amd-v.

in fact, all the different virtualization programs that support intel vt or amd-v run better if you have it.

according to this article ( ), you can start virtualbox without a gui.

i tried virtualbox awhile back on my mac, but there was a limitation where the VMs can't have bridge network interfaces. this might have been unique to the mac version though.

Sat, 21 Mar 2009 11:24:22 +0000

page 88 of the virtualbox user guide ( . . . )

7.4.1 VBoxHeadless, the VRDP-only server

Mon, 23 Mar 2009 02:46:30 +0000

thanks. ya. i got that doc and saw it, but if you notice they talk about "managing/creating vms once vb is already installed". but part of the install process, you can put things like ./configure --disable-qt and stuff, but on compile it still does all of these gui checks regardless and faults because the dependencies aren't there. the whole configure script isn't written comprehensively yet.

i'm using the OSE version because i didn't want to have commercial use license issues later. you have to register for keys otherwise. so i have to do this through compile, since thats the only way they distribute the OSE. maybe i should say screw it and just install it since that verison is available through pre-compiled binary repositories.

i heard that bridging through networks is a PIA too. but still capable of being done.

Mon, 23 Mar 2009 04:43:20 +0000

i don't think you can use the OSE if you want to run headless, the RDP server is closed-source.

Mon, 23 Mar 2009 06:06:52 +0000

well... i saw that when i was comparing versions, but i figured since i have a host os, i could connect to that then manage it from there. or install an rdp server that's available on my own. but i'm on the verge of just throwing away the ose and going to the rpm instead. i'm pretty set on running VB though as opposed to vmware or something else.

Mon, 23 Mar 2009 08:03:40 +0000

I'm not much help. I saw VirtualBox a few weeks ago and was thinking of trying Windows on Mac OS X (or was it the other way around). It was definitely an interesting product. But I just don't have any time to mess around with it.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 07:09:47 +0000

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Title: VMWare question. Which to Host?
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: So I thought I'd poll the smarter people that I know... I have a server that I'm going to run multiple guest operating systems on, everything from Windows 2008 to Linux. What should I use for the Host operating system? Should I install Windows 2008 and use VMWare 2.0 Beta? or Should I install . . .
Tracked: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 06:22:14 +0000

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