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Sharing Android Internet Connection with Windows 10 via Bluetooth Tethering

I got into a unique situation today at boba milk tea shop when I attempted to do some work on my laptop. Many boba milk tea shops have Wi-Fi connection, so they are convenient hang-outs to get some work done. My Sony Xperia XA2 Android SmartPhone connects to the WiFi just fine. But my Asus G46VW gaming laptop could not see the boba shop's Wi-Fi access point at all!

Rather than giving up, I thought that it should be possible to share the fast Internet connection through Bluetooth. After attempting to set it up right for the past hour and a half, I finally got it to work. This solution would work for many different types of situations. So I'll document here for you and I to reference one day when we need it again.

Sun, 05 Jan 2020 18:44:38 -0800

Step 1: Turn On Bluetooth on Android SmartPhone

My Sony Xperia XA2 is running Android 9 operating system. So your SmartPhone could be slightly different in turning on the Bluetooth. But the concept and sequence are similar.

  1. Launch the Android "Settings" app.
  2. Tap on "Device connection".
  3. Tap on "Connection preferences".
  4. Tap on "Bluetooth".
  5. Enable the "On" setting. (See Screen Shot below).
  6. Note the "Device name". You will need it to pair it with your computer.

There is also an easier way to turn Bluetooth on and off. Simply pull down the menu bar and toggle the Bluetooth setting to on. I provided the comprehensive steps above just to be thorough.

Attached Image:


Sun, 05 Jan 2020 19:22:10 -0800

Step 2: Enable Bluetooth Tethering on Android SmartPhone

Just like the last step, the instructions I provide here is based on Android 9 operating system. Your SmartPhone may be slightly different.

  1. Launch the Android "Settings" app.
  2. Tap on "Network & internet".
  3. Tap on "Hotspot & tethering".
  4. Enable "Bluetooth tethering". (See screen shot below).

Attached Image:

Bluetooth tethering.png

Sun, 05 Jan 2020 19:22:57 -0800

Step 3: Pair Your Computer with Your SmartPhone

This step assumes that your computer and your SmartPhone aren't paired with each other yet. If you have already paired them, you can skip this step. This stem also assumes that your computer has Bluetooth capability. Many laptop nowadays has Bluetooth built-in. But if you computer doesn't have Bluetooth capability, you can get a Bluetooth USB dongle for your computer. I'll add some Bluetooth USB dongle links at the bottom of this article if you would like to get one.

  1. Go to your icons on your Windows 10 task bar and find the Bluetooth icon.
  2. Right click on the Bluetooth icon to pull up its menu.
  3. Click on "Add a Bluetooth Device" from the menu.
  4. Click "Add Bluetooth or other device". (See screen shot below.)
  5. Click "Bluetooth".
  6. From the list of Bluetooth devices, select your SmartPhone based on the "Device name" that you saw earlier.
  7. When the computer and the SmartPhone attempts to pair with each other, click on "Connect" on the computer and tap on "Pair" on the SmartPhone. The two devices will connect to each other.

Attached Image:

Bluetooth & other devices.png

Sun, 05 Jan 2020 19:24:19 -0800

Step 4: Connect to Internet via Bluetooth on Windows 10

After the two device has paired and connected, it's time to activate the Internet access via Bluetooth on Windows 10.

  1. Go to your icons on your Windows 10 task bar and find the Bluetooth icon.
  2. Right click on the Bluetooth icon to pull up its menu.
  3. Click on "Join a Personal Area Network" from the menu.
  4. Right click on your SmartPhone device to pull up its menu.
  5. Click on "Connect using" menu item.
  6. Click on "Access point". (See screen shot below.) Note that if you do not see "Access point" as a menu choice, but rather, you see "Direct connection", then your computer isn't paired to your SmartPhone in the right manner. Unpair the two devices with each other and re-pair them by following step 3 above.

Once the connection is successful, your computer will be access the Internet through the Bluetooth connection to the SmartPhone. And depending on how your SmartPhone is getting its Internet, your computer will be accessing the Internet from the same source.

Attached Image:

Bluetooth Personal Area Network Devices.png

Sun, 05 Jan 2020 19:24:59 -0800

After you perform the last step, you'll be able to enjoy Internet on your computer just like on a Wi-Fi network. I much prefer this Bluetooth tethering method over the WiFi portable hotspot method, because whenever you enable the portable hotspot, the SmartPhone turns off its Wi-Fi and you are forced to use your cellphone network. With this Bluetooth tethering method, your SmartPhone could be connected to a fast WiFi network and serving it through the Bluetooth tethering connection.

I hope you enjoy this method of accessing the Internet. It took me an hour and a half to figure it out. But now that I'm tethered to the fast WiFi network on my computer, it's well worth it. And I'll be able to use this connection again in the future if the same situation presents itself.

Sun, 05 Jan 2020 19:29:09 -0800

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