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very interesting player trade setup for diablo 3

In This Video Game, You Can Make Real Cash Through Virtual Trading

I was originally going to skip over Diablo III altogether, much like StarCraft II. And considering that the original Diablo team has already given us Hellgate--a new loot generation machine--that is currently a global free 2 play, I'd consider Diablo III to draw very little attention.

But now, this new P2P auction house using real cash is a game changer. This is the kind of innovation I talked about being lacking in StarCraft 2. I can just see the head-line now . . . "Anyone can now get paid to play a game."

Even I will have to start paying more attention to Diablo 3 from now on.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 05 Aug 2011 23:06:27 +0000

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Title: Diablo 3 Starts the In-Game Money Making Trend
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: Blizzard has been notorious for having sequels that are ten years in the making. And when the sequels are just marginally different or marginally better, you kind of have to wonder why? Diablo 3 falls in this category with its game play, graphics, and user interface. But there is one novelty that se . . .
Tracked: Tue, 22 May 2012 05:09:53 +0400

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