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Trine 2: Custom Resolution

My friend just gave me a gift copy of Trine 2 on Steam tonight. But whenever I launch it, it won't provide the proper 1920x1080 resolution that my display support. That's probably because I have two displays connected, and Trine 2 gets confused. But here is a way to manually set the resolution.

On Windows, the configuration is located in the following file: "C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Trine2\options.txt". You can change the resolution in this file. The following two lines in the file changes the resolution:

  setOption(renderingModule, "ScreenWidth", 1920)
setOption(renderingModule, "ScreenHeight", 1080)

For some reason, I have trouble using full-screen mode with this resolution, even though my display sets it perfectly. When Trine 2 does it, I get a blank screen. The way to solve this problem is to run full screen in a window. The following settings allows you to do that:

  setOption(renderingModule, "Windowed", true)
setOption(renderingModule, "MaximizeWindow", true)
setOption(renderingModule, "WindowTitleBar", false)

And that's how to set custom resolution in Trine 2. But you don't have to stop there. There are numerous other options in this configuration that you can try to improve the graphics of the game.

Wed, 27 Mar 2013 12:25:41 +0300

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