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PlanetSide 2: GrenadesGrenades and how to go about getting some in PlanetSide 2 is not as intuitive as in other first person shooter (FPS) games. And for new players, it's completely forgotten at the start. For example, did you know that every infantry starts with one grenade? I threw mine out the first round I played. But my character is now battle rank 8 and I haven't even resupplied my grenades until tonight. It turns out that your character doesn't automatically get grenades upon spawn like in other FPS games. Instead, grenades must be purchased using infantry resource; 45 infantry points per grenade to be exact. My VS character can purchase up to 40 grenades. Mind you that even if you purchase 40 grenades, your character can't carry all 40 grenades at once. Instead, you can carry one at a time (without any grenade unlocks). If you want more, you have to go resupply at an infantry terminal or a deployed Sunderer terminal. An engineer ammo pack on the ground won't supply you with grenades. The following video demonstrates the grenade mechanics in the PlanetSide 2 game. Fido
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