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PlanetSide 2: Create All Your Characters on Day 1 to Start Gaining Passive Certification Points

As identified in the "PlanetSide 2: How Many Characters Per Server?" thread, you can have up to three PlanetSide 2 characters per SOE account. If you are planning to play only a single PlanetSide 2 character forever, then this post doesn't apply to you. But if you ever have a remote chance of playing different PlanetSide 2 character (e.g. one for each faction), then it's in your best interest to create all three characters on day one.

That is because PlanetSide 2 provides passive certification points over time for active characters. And active characters are ones that log in periodically.

For example, I created all three characters (one for each faction) the first day. But I tried out the VS character the first week. After the first week, I switched to my TR character and found 12 cert points on my TR character already. Unfortunately, I had created the NC character the first day as well, but did not log in. So when I did log in to play it, it had zero cert points.

Lesson learned, it doesn't pay to create and log in to PlanetSide 2 characters at the instance you going to play it. Create your character and log in as early as possible.

Wed, 28 Nov 2012 00:54:10 +0300

Looks like with the latest patch, they have removed this passive certificate gain. See this thread: "Offline Cert Point Gain...gone?". That's too bad.

Thu, 29 Nov 2012 13:25:58 +0300

Bad information about the passive certificate gain being removed. It looks like it's still around. Here is more information: Passive Cert Points. But you have to remember to log into each of your character every day in order for the continuous gain.

Fri, 30 Nov 2012 22:01:21 +0300

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Title: PlanetSide 2: Fastest Way to Gain Certification Points
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: With the official public launch of PlanetSide 2 only four days away, I decided to try the beta to learn the basics to gain an advantage when the game is released. Once thing I learned is that shooting your way to the top is a really slow way to acquire certification points. Perhaps I'm not a good FP . . .
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Weblog: GearHack
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Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: Reading the PlanetSide 2 forum thread, I found the "Artificial score inflation by killing dummy characters" thread. A technique discussed in this thread is to farm cert points and improve kill/death ratio by killing a dummy character over and over again. The basic strategy is described as follows: " . . .
Tracked: Tue, 04 Dec 2012 03:05:55 +0300

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