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PlanetSide 2: Cert Points and Loadouts

Now that I'm gaining certification points rather quickly (see "PlanetSide 2: Fastest Way to Gain Certification Points"), I'm seeing some pitfalls with the unlocks and load-outs. Apparently, when you unlock new skills and equipments, your character doesn't automatically equip them, even if you have no other attachments. You have to manually equip them before deployment or do it at a terminal during the game.

For your hand-hold weapons and armor, you have to equip them at an stationary infantry terminal or at a deployed Sunderer infantry terminal. You have to equip land vehicle unlocks at a vehicle terminal, prior to spawning a vehicle. You have to equip aircraft unlocks at a aircraft terminal, also prior to spawning an aircraft.

Tue, 27 Nov 2012 00:00:53 +0300

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Title: PlanetSide 2: Single Cert Point Unlockable Abilities
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: The biggest complaint about the free to play PlanetSide 2 game is that you have to farm a lot of unlock anything in the game. That's not entirely true as there are many skills that can be unlocked with a single cert point. And consider that 250 XP is one cert point, which means a little more than 2 . . .
Tracked: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 04:26:12 +0300

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