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PlanetSide 2: Be Careful with the Gun, Medic!

Before PlanetSide 2 launch, I wrote the "PlanetSide 2: Fastest Way to Gain Certification Points" article. And I had been doing just that to level up my brand new characters. So far, I had been dishing out the ammo boxes and fixing tanks. But later, I switched to the medic class to try out the healing gun.

It was so much fun and productive on reviving teammates, then I got a little too into it. There was quite a few times when I spawned right out of a Sunderer, saw a little cross on a comrade's head, and pushed the mouse button. Oops!

If you haven't already guessed, PlanetSide 2 has friendly fire and as soon as the medic spawns, it defaults to holding the assault rifle. Shooting down your teammate while intending to heal feels like a double strike. And it could be a triple strike if you happen to have caused too many "accidents" and have your weapon locked by the server.

So please remember to check your gun before healing. That goes double for me as well. Carry on, medic.

Thu, 22 Nov 2012 05:53:45 +0300

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Title: PlanetSide 2: Combat Medic Tips
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: Apparently, resurrecting your team mates as a combat medic only give back your team mates about 25% of their health. So if you resurrect a squad of them, you may have the perception that you have a full squad, but in reality, they are just clay pigeons. After reviving them, use your medic heal gun t . . .
Tracked: Thu, 06 Dec 2012 23:43:50 +0300

Title: PlanetSide 2: More Than One Way to Heal with Combat Medic
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: I learned last night that the combat medic can use its ability ('f' key) to heal himself and everyone around him. Knowing that kind of made a monkey out of me, because I've been using the medic healing gun to heal and revive people. Of course, the medic healing gun can revive, which you can't do wit . . .
Tracked: Thu, 06 Dec 2012 23:49:15 +0300

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