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Logitech Driving Force for PS2 Works on Windows Vista

My passion for racing led me to purchase the Logitech Driving Force steering wheel and several versions of the Gran Turismo game for Playstation 2. I had fallen in love with the ability to practice driving on the Laguna Seca race track in the comfort of my living room, before actually showing up at the real track. And over the years, I had wished I can use the same USB steering wheel with my PC to play other racing games. But I had always been too lazy to give it a try.

But that changed recently when I downloaded the free TrackMania Nations Forever video game for the PC. This game allows you to race online with millions of people in the comfort of your home. And I loved to test my skill set against those people. But using the keyboard and the hand-held PC controller just isn't the same as a steering wheel. In fact, I did fairly poorly with my peers. I wondered if a steering wheel would have made the difference.

So I finally decided to just plug the Driving Force steering wheel in my PC and see what happens. Worst thing that could happen is that I'd have to download a driver for another steering wheel on Logitech's web site and hack the driver to work. But surprisingly, Windows Vista recognized it right off the bat. I was able to calibrate it using Control Panels. The steering wheel also worked right away in TrackMania Nations Forever.

However, I could not use the gas and brake pedals in TrackMania Nations Forever, even though they work in Windows Vista. Reconfiguring the shift pedals to be gas/brake pedals in TrackMania Nations Forever seems to be the next most intuitive method. Good news is that I am immediately more competitive against my peers with the Driving Force steering wheel. And that's really all it matters. :-)

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 14 Aug 2009 23:04:26 +0000

I found that the Driving Force steering wheel also works on Windows XP in the same manner.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 26 Aug 2009 07:48:20 +0000

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Title: Total Game Control Improves Driving Force Steering Wheel
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: A week ago, I reported that the Driving Force steering wheel worked great on my Windows Vista computer and the free TrackMania Nations Forever racing game. The only problem was that the pedals didn't work with the game even though Windows recognized it just fine. At first, I worked around that pr . . .
Tracked: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 07:48:54 +0000

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