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League of Legends: Ascension Starting Strategy

Ascension game mode is based on the Crystal Scar map. Therefore, it's worth making an analogy to the Dominion starting strategy. In Dominion, the starting strategy is "4 top, 1 bot". That means four champion should go capture the top tower while one champion should capturing the bottom tower. The reasoning is because both sides have a bottom tower, which means each team is safe capturing that bottom tower. On the other hand, there is a single tower on top that both team will fight for right off the bat.

So that does that have to do with Ascension? Ascension is just opposite of Dominion. At the beginning of the game, there are three relics to capture. The relics are on the speed buff. Therefore, there is one at each team's "mid" (when referenced to Dominion's tower location) and one at the bottom. Capturing the mid is relatively safe. But the bottom one has to be fought for. In this regard, you can think of the strategy as "four bot, and one top".

Of course, there are other more advanced variations. For example, because there is a good chance that the enemy's mid is being captured by one champion, you can teleport two champions to the top tower to take the one mid champion by surprise. But the risk is that your two champion at bot will potentially face four enemy champions.

Are either of these your Ascension starting strategies? Or do you have a better one?

Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:42:01 +0400

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Title: League of Legends: Strategy to Winning Ascension
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: Ascension is a new game mode for League of Legends. This new game mode is temporary for now, as it will only be available until September 21, 2014. Nevertheless, it is an extremely fun, challenging, and entertaining mode to try. And this post will explain the winning strategy to this game mode. But . . .
Tracked: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:43:51 +0400

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