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[MOVED] League of Legends: Runaan's Hurricane is for Ascension
This thread has been moved to the Computer: Games: League of Legends forum. Click here to transfer your browser to the thread. gearhack Fri Jun 10 04:14:16 MSD 2016
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Title: League of Legends: Strategy to Winning Ascension Weblog: GearHack Excerpt: Ascension is a new game mode for League of Legends. This new game mode is temporary for now, as it will only be available until September 21, 2014. Nevertheless, it is an extremely fun, challenging, and entertaining mode to try. And this post will explain the winning strategy to this game mode. But . . . Tracked: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 12:16:59 +0400
Title: League of Legends: Fun with Runaan's Hurricane Weblog: GearHack Excerpt: Like my mother's music box in the attic, the Runaan's Hurricane has been in my LOL toolbox, but I never even know it existed. That changed two nights ago when I got on with two other friends. My friends hadn't seriously played LOL for a year or two now. I had been playing Dominion bot games on and o . . . Tracked: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 12:18:21 +0400
Title: League of Legends: Psychological Warfare with Runaan's Hurricane Weblog: GearHack Excerpt: The proponents to Runaan's Hurricane looks at the math to massive enemy team damage and raves about its possibilities. The opponents to Runaan's Hurricane claims that your champion sacrifices too much direct damage to your primary target for its gain. In both cases, the exact damage is measurable. B . . . Tracked: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:19:36 +0400
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