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Is PlanetSide 2 a Pay to Play Game?

There are a lot of controversy with people being afraid that PlanetSide 2 is "pay to win" rather than "free to play". But after writing my article on "PlanetSide 2 is Not Pay to Win", I'm not too concerned about the controversy. As you guess, I can back up the claim that PlanetSide 2 is not "pay to win". Instead, what really concerns me, which no one else is talking about, is what if PlanetSide 2 is really "pay to play"?

"Huh?" You might say. Did you realize that PlanetSide 2 has a monthly subscription option ("Planetside 2 membership plan [revised based on your feedback]"). One of the benefits of the monthly subscription is "priority login queue". This benefit begs the question, "why does SOE provide priority login queue if SOE is going to maintain enough servers for its player base?" The logical answer is obviously that they are not going to provide enough slots for the entire player base. They are going to provide enough slots for a majority (my guess) of the players.

Why? Three possible reasons. One, SOE doesn't believe they will make enough money to support enough servers for everyone. Or two, SOE want to make more money by encourage people to subscribe. Or three, both of the above.

It doesn't matter what I believe the reason is, but the serious concern is that if the logical answer to the question is true, then SOE is gambling on whether players will put up with the limited slots and pay a subscription base. If they gamble incorrectly, they can be limiting their player base, causing many to abandon this "free to play" game. It may re-enact their loss of players in the original PlanetSide (heard it from a friend, I never knew about the first one until now).

For our group of premade, we would certainly not want to be locked out when we are ready to play. I, for one, will not be paying the subscription fee. That means if "pay to play" becomes a reality to this game, it would be a no-go for our team. And maybe SOE is just fine with that because we are not its demographic. I will definitely keep my fingers crossed that SOE isn't planning a "pay to play" game. But my hope simply doesn't match the logical answer to the question.

Sat, 17 Nov 2012 05:17:48 +0300

So far, I have been able to log into the game right away, every time I play. I haven't seen any queue at all. At this time, it's looking like PlanetSide 2 is not 'Pay to Play'.

Mon, 26 Nov 2012 22:31:54 +0300

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