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Full Spectrum Warrior is Now Free!

I just learned about "Full Spectrum Warrior" today. It's a commercial THQ game that turned free. It's a real-time combat tactics game featuring American soldiers that you control. You can read more about it on this Wikipedia page:

The download link that Wikipedia provided is no longer working. But I found a working download here: . . .

Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:42:44 +0400

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Title: Free Tactical Combat Simulation Game
Weblog: Airsoft SpecOps
Excerpt: "Full Spectrum Warrior" is now free... I seen YouTube tactical training videos using it. It is probably a good training tool. Full Spectrum Warrior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The link, provided by Wikipedia, to download the game is no lon . . .
Tracked: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:43:17 +0400

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