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Dawn of War II: Army Painter and Custom Campaign Colors

This should unlock all colors in the army painter (single player skirmish only). If it doesn't work let me know and I will post the other method to unlocking the colors. Noticed a color they had completely deactivated in the list, although not sure how many people would actually use it anyway, but I unlocked it. It's called 'Tenticle Pink' (yes, that is how it's spelled in the file).

The other files included are for the campaign mode only. The 'defaultchaptercolours.lua' shows you pre-made chapter colors that you can use or you can create your own. I currently have it set for the 'Ironhands' color scheme. Here is how to change it to the colors of your choice:

1) Extract all folders in the file below to your '..\Dawn of War II\GameAssets\Data' folder.

2) Navigate to '..\Dawn of War II\GameAssets\Data\config' and open both files 'armypaintercolours.lua' and 'defaultchaptercolours.lua' with WordPad (Do not use Notepad)

3) The 'armypaintercolours.lua' tells you the name of all colors available. The 'defaultchaptercolours.lua' tells you the name of the pre-defined chapters. Choose 4 colors from 'armypaintercolours.lua' for your loadout.

4) Now that you have the colors you want, go to the 'defaultchaptercolours.lua' file and either modify a current chapter or create a new one. To create a new one, copy the first two listed entirely 'SM_Bloodravens' and also 'SM_Bloodravens_COOP'. Then paste it at the top and watch your spacing, make sure everything is the same distance apart. Now you should have 2 listings of 'SM_Bloodravens'. You can now change the 'Bloodravens' part to whatever you want, I named mine 'Striker'. You will notice the colour sections (4 of them), this is where you enter the colors you picked back in step 3. Save and close 'defaultchaptercolours.lua'.

5) Navigate to '..Dawn of War II\GameAssets\Data\campaign' and open the 'tuning.lua' file with WordPad not Notepad.

6) Go to 'Edit' and choose 'Find' and type in 'Ironhands'. This will be where you change this to the color set you just picked or created back in step 4.

7) Once you have changed 'SM_Ironhands' and 'SM_Ironhands_COOP' to 'SM_Yourcolor' and 'SM_Yourcolor_COOP' you can hit save and close this file.

8) Launch the game and play through Campaign with your newly modified squad!

NOTE: The colors will not display in the squad loadout screen, only in the actual game world.


Attached File: DoWII-Colors.rar (10 KB)

Fri, 10 Apr 2009 20:04:04 +0000

i don't get how to open the .lua files in \gameassets\data with wordpad...
if i right click on it, there is no "open with"
if i click "open", it says it can't find a program to open it with

Sun, 26 Apr 2009 02:09:00 +0000

Open Notepad and drag the LUA file onto it to open it in Notepad.

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 26 Apr 2009 08:40:46 +0000

I used the army painter unlocker in dev mode and almost all of them were there, however when i restarted the game and turned dev mode off(i wanted to do multiplayer) the paints had gone.
Is there a way in which the paints stay unlocked even when in not dev mode.

Sat, 02 May 2009 17:18:55 +0000

I can't really say bro, but from what i've heard and personal experience you need to be in dev mode for it to use modified files instead of the defaults. As a side note if you want all the colors and badges available open up the armypaintercolors.lua and hit use the Replace function, set it to replace all false to true, and youll have all the badges and colors available.

Fri, 22 May 2009 02:36:13 +0000

This works w/out using -Dev.
Running "There Is Only War" version of DOW 2 if that might have anything to with it.

Dawn of War II\GameAssets\Data\Config (you'll have to create the "Config" folder
Dawn of War II\GameAssets\Data\campaign (no new folder to create)

Modify the Blood Ravens file with the colors you want in "defaultchaptercolours.lua"
In "tuning.lua" find and replace "Ironhands" with "Bloodravens"

Save and close everything

Run game - this made units both in mission, and in the equip screens the new colors.

Tue, 01 Sep 2009 05:56:57 +0000

Belay that! You do have to be running in Dev mode for this to work.

Tue, 01 Sep 2009 06:01:18 +0000

To add custom colors to the pallette.

From "ArmyPainterColours.LUA"

Cut and paste the whole section for a paint to the end of the colors section.

teamColour = { 0, 0, 0 }, Controls Base color (black)
teamSpecular = { 3, 1, 13 }, Controls shiny reflection color (dark purple)
teamGloss = 0, Controls how shiny the reflection is (minimum)
paintLocId = 9107883, ? (for Chaos Black)
paintName = "Sightless Eyes", Doesn't matter what you call it since it will retain the paintLocID name.
armyPainterVisibility = true, Whether or not it shows up in Army Painter

This adds a paint selection at the bottom of the Army Painter named "Chaos Black" that is a dark purple wherever light shines on it but black otherwise.

You must restart the game to see changes.

Mon, 07 Sep 2009 05:29:38 +0000

By modifying the appropriate teams in the


you can make custom colored opponents for the single-player game.

Ork - Bad Moons Clan
Eldar - Craftworld Ulthwe
Tyrranid - Hivefleet Leviathan

Mon, 07 Sep 2009 05:32:33 +0000

So, I've tried this method and my game borks. When I put the files in the proper folders and load the game with no modifications, no problem. The minute I change one tiny little color on the blood ravens, the problem occurs. When I load the game, all of the colors on the FC on the main screen are chaos black. When I go into the army painter, none of the army paint schemes are there, although it will allow me to create new ones.

If I copy and paste a new chapter like striker suggests, the same thing happens. I've tried just about every iteration and variation on this technique I can imagine, but don't have any idea where to go next. If anyone knows how the -dev mode paint unlocker for single player works, i'll use that, but I can't find a link or command for it anywhere on the web. Thanks!

Thu, 21 Jan 2010 17:04:48 +0000

Great Mod! Thanks! But will there be an update for "Chaos rising"? Unfortunately with the aplience of this mod I loose the Chaos Marine schemes both in campaign and in Army painter.

Thu, 08 Apr 2010 07:45:36 +0000

Update for Chaos Rising!!

After a few hours of fiddling and tinkering i have made the mod Chaos Compatible! (thanks for the starting blocks Striker)

Firstly just copy this as you did to create your own custom colour set in defaultchaptercolours.lua;

chapterKeyName = "Chaos_Blacklegion",

chapterNameID = 91096181, -- LOCDB [9109487] 'Black Legion'
--~ chapterNameID = 91096181, -- LOCDB [9109488] 'Black Legion Chaos Marines'

primaryColourName = "Coal Black",
secondaryColourName = "Burnished Gold",
tintColourName = "Scab Red",
extraColourName = "Knarloc Green",

teamTex = "1",
badge1Tex = "NoBadge",

usableRaces = { "race_chaos" },
armyPainterVisibility = true,

I know its not perfect but its better than seeing the abominations that walked before! :P

All that needs clarifying is the badge name, the specific colours(or just use custom ones) and if your really anal the ChapterNameID(which only makes it display as "The Black Legion" in army painter.

At least it makes the campaign more aesthetically pleasing.

hope it helps peeps! -UC

Mon, 17 May 2010 11:10:52 +0000

ok, just noticed one issue with Chaos Rising. The corruption bar in the loadout screen doesn't work with aforementioned mod. im not sure if it actually stops working or if its just not visible, but im pretty sure its not working at all, im also not sure if thats just a -Dev issue. -UC

Mon, 17 May 2010 11:36:16 +0000

lol, ok next issue, the final level isn't available! anyone know how to solve that? ah crap... ruined my saving...

Mon, 17 May 2010 12:08:04 +0000

Is there a way to do add the new content if I downloaded the game from Steam?
I would hope I can still modify the files somehow and customize my own design labels for me to use on the game. :)
Any asnwers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!

Sun, 03 Apr 2011 06:20:40 +0000

Hey I can get most of the technique to work I can get the colors to show up, and even managed to get them to appear via the loadout screen and even the main menu, but for some reason where the badge would show on them there is just a pink square, even if i leave the badge code as is it keeps appearing as the pink square.

Thu, 28 Apr 2011 05:16:00 +0000

And I keep getting what Agammamon had actually, i change anything it goes all black with the pink sqaure where the badge would go.

Thu, 28 Apr 2011 06:31:16 +0000

the gutrencha mission does not work and theres no skykilla mission

Fri, 29 Apr 2011 07:35:25 +0000

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