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Alien Swarm: Trick to Get Computer Players in On-Line Game

Was just playing the free Alien Swarm game online with some friends. There were three of us. During the game one of us got disconnected. We found that the computer took over that player's character. So that made me think of this trick. You'll need multiple computers and multiple Steam accounts to do this trick.

1. Create an Alien Swarm friends-only online game.
2. Have all your friends join the game.
3. For each remaining open slot, on a different computer and a different Steam account, join the game.
4. Start the game.
5. At the start of the game, disconnect the spare computer(s) from the game.

After you perform these steps, you will have computer player(s) to help you out. And it's nice to have all the help you can get.

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 12 Sep 2010 06:49:24 +0000

Found this web page, where it shows you how to add bots through the console:

How to Add Bots to Alien Swarm Multiplayer via Console

You have to enable the console first. It's in Alien Swarm keyboard options.

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 19 Sep 2010 10:02:28 +0000

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