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How to Determine Whether Spring is Broken on Wayne Dalton TorqueMaster?

My question is in regards to the Wayne Dalton torquemaster spring as well. First off, how do you know when the spring is broke. Would that be the reason the cable is jumping off the drum 3/4 the way up, only on the left side? Do I need to take the whole shaft down just to know for sure the spring IS broke? Second, can anyone direct me to a manual or online repair guide to try to reset that jumping cable, or add torque to the spring.
Need help fast! Gotta have it fixed tomorrow!

Thanks for looking.

Wed, 01 Jul 2009 03:17:12 +0000

If your spring is working at all, chances are it is not broken. Before you purchase new springs, closely check the spindle that the cable winds onto. Chances are that the spindle is cracked and is causing the cable to get off track. If your spring is broken, it will most likely not wind your cable at all.

John Griffin
Fri, 03 Jul 2009 21:10:50 +0000

I have an interesting problem - the spring seems to be half broke by this description. I was installing an opener, when the header pulled out. To get the door down took a bit of force, so now when I try to open the door, It will only go up about 2'. A few other threads look like they would almost solve my problem, but I'm not sure I really know what the problem is!

Any help?

Sun, 18 Jul 2010 21:12:23 +0000

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