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Quieting the HP Pavilion DV7-3160us

This week, I put the HP Pavilion DV7-3160us back into service in my office. It's actually pleasant to use now that Windows 10 has sped it up tremendously. Considering that it has a 2.5 GHz CPU, I'm not entirely sure why Windows 7 is bogged down on it before.

But now that it's on all the time in my office, I have found that its fan is really loud and annoying. It's more so than any other computers that I have in my office. And there are about six or seven of them in my office. And the fan would not shut off like other laptops.

I finally figured out that there is a BIOS setting in this laptop that keeps the fan on all the time. You have to turn that option off in the BIOS. And afterward, you have to power the computer down entirely, then power it back up for that change in option to take effect.

Now, my DV7-3160us is as quiet as any other laptop that I have used. And it only speeds up its fan when needed.

Tue, 05 Jan 2016 14:10:41 +0300

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